If you’re like many people in the Seattle area, you’re probably starting to look up at the gray, rainy skies and saying to yourself, “Meh.” Your thoughts turn to a fantasy of blue skies, balmy breezes – perhaps lounging on a beach, or tramping through the low desert. If you’re ready to turn thought into action, it’s time to consider spending a few weeks next winter in Australia.
Why wait until next winter? Because when it’s winter here in the northern hemisphere, it’s summer down under! That means this time next year, you can exchange your heavy coats and scarves for flip flops and shorts.
When planning your Australia trip, it’s important to have realistic expectations. First off, Australia is huuuuge – surprise! That means that you need to set some realistic expectations. You can’t see it all in one trip, so you’ll have to pick the places you want to see first.
And since Australia is so large, things are very far apart. When selecting your destinations, you’ll need to factor in the time it takes to reach them. A rewarding Australia vacation – one that doesn’t make you feel rushed, offering enough time to explore each place – should be at least two weeks long.
Kangaroo Island is a great place to get started. You can fly into Adelaide, explore that charming city for a day or two, and then take the ferry to the island. Island tours will take you through the diverse areas of the island.